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Imani (Faith) - 7th Day of Kwanzaa - January 1, 2024.

To believe with all our hearts in our people

and the righteousness

and victory of our struggle.

Yes, Kwanzaa Is Made Up. That’s Why It’s Great!

Rooted in sometimes artful but often ham-handed borrowing of various African traditions, the holiday is one of the many bridges Black Americans tried to build between themselves and the African homeland of their imagination - Muhammad, Ismail, (Dec. 19, 2023), New York Times.

In the Face of Racial Discrimination, a D.C. Family Builds a Property Legacy.

The Campbell family of Washington, D.C., beat the odds, keeping houses in its possession for generations and now owning an inn in Pennsylvania - Wooley, Alexander, (December 22, 2023, New York Times).

The University Uprooted a Black Neighborhood. Then Its Policies Reduced the Black Presence on Campus.

Paul Trible was Virginia’s Christopher Newport University's (CNU) president from 1996 to 2022, serving almost three times as long as anyone else. The longtime Republican politician also left another, less-noted legacy: a decline in the Black presence both on campus and in the adjacent neighborhood. Under his stewardship, the university pursued policies that thinned the ranks of Black students and faculty even as its continuing expansion eradicated a nearby Black community. Brandi Kellam, Brandi & Hansen, Louis (2023, December 22). ProPublica.

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