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Has Black History Month Changed Over Time? | The Amanda Seales' Show.

Does the annual celebration still hit the way it used to back when you were in school? Are you still commemorating on a daily basis without the assistance of a teacher?

California announces initial set of first-in-the-nation reparation bills. The 14 proposed bills tackle a wide range of areas of discrimination – from mass incarceration to housing segregation.

HOW BLACK HISTORY MONTH CAME TO BE, written by ShareAmerica.

The celebration of the contributions of African Americans began in 1926 with Negro History Week. The week was timed to coincide with the birthdays of President Abraham Lincoln, signer of the Emancipation Proclamation, and Frederick Douglass, who fought against slavery and became a social reformer after his own escape from enslavement.

Task Force to Consider “Restorative Justice” for Black Families Uprooted by Virginia University’s Expansion.

A task force created by the City of Newport News and Christopher Newport University will reexamine decades of city and university records shedding light on a Black neighborhood’s destruction.

The Home of Carter G. Woodson, the Man Behind Black History Month.

Dr. Woodson’s house, the birthplace of the annual month, was a hub of scholarship, bringing together generations of intellectuals, writers and activists.

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